What should students expect in your classes?

Students can expect to sweat in class. We work on strength building, breathing, and mobility. My goal is to help students to find stillness and focus. After working to get your body moving and heart rate up, students will always be rewarded with a grounding cool down.

When you're not practicing yoga, what do you like to do?

I love going to the beach, hiking, riding my bike, gardening, and being with my family. Exploring and taking new adventures are my favorite!

“There is always room for growth. There are always new things to learn.”

What do you love yoga?

I love yoga because it’s not just a physical practice for me, it’s also mental and spiritual.

What challenges you in yoga?

Clearing and quieting my mind while practicing as always been a challenge.

What are the MOST important things you want your students to walk out of your class having experienced?

I want my students to walk out of my class feeling empowered with a cleared head space.

What/who inspires you?

My children and being outdoors on a beautiful day are always inspiring. Watching everything grow and bloom around me, and seeing my children explore things they have never seen before, reminds me that there is always room for growth. There are always new things to learn.