What should students expect in your classes?

Students should expect precise and anatomically informed verbal cues, a strong focus on the breath, a consistent and grounded practice that doesn't get too "fancy". They can expect to work hard, but to also be supported, guided, and never feel lost.

When you're not practicing yoga, what do you like to do?

Live music is my lifeblood and concerts are the only thing that can get me to stay out late at night. I love to dance with my hoop (hula, not basketball) any chance I get. Most of my time is spent with my kids and husband on the beach, going on nature walks, cooking and eating delicious food, listening to music, or just doing nothing together. I also dabble in creative writing and baking tasty treats for people I love!

“I am deeply committed to teaching with clarity so that my students never feel confused or uncertain in my classes.”

What do you love yoga?

Yoga practice helps me feel embodied, strong, confident, fluid, graceful, simultaneously challenged and at ease. My yoga practice has provided me with a grounding stability amidst the unexpected, sometimes challenging shifts in my life. It is the tether that keeps me rooted and connected to myself at all times.

What challenges you in yoga?

I find myself challenged when I practice something outside of my usual routine, whether I am literally doing a different form of yoga asana on my mat or doing something new in my everyday life. I thrive off of routine and like to have a plan that I can control with a good deal of predictability, so the thing that challenges me most is when things do not go as planned or when I cannot control what happens next.

What are the MOST important things you want your students to walk out of your class having experienced?

I am deeply committed to teaching with clarity so that my students never feel confused or uncertain in my classes. I want my students to experience the impact of consistent practice on their bodies, their minds, and their lives overall. I often invite students to sit in the stillness and silence that follows the practice in order to fully embody the work that was done on the mat.

What/who inspires you?

The older I get, the more I find myself inspired by just about everything and everyone! My children inspire me to stay curious and open minded, to see the beauty and fascination in everything from the smallest snail to the biggest crane truck on the construction site! I am in constant awe of my yoga students, indebted to my yoga teachers, moved to tears by my favorite musicians. My heart swells with the unconditional love and support I receive from my closest friends, my family, my husband, my village. "Inspiration... move me brightly" - The Grateful Dead