What should students expect in your classes?

Slower paced, stronger movements with funky transitions. If you've been to my class, you know we love a good heart/hip opening combo. All movements in class are gearing you up towards a peak sequence or a peak posture that will leave you feeling challenged, yet accomplished in one way or another.

When you're not practicing yoga, what do you like to do?

In very introverted fashion, I mostly enjoy spending time at home with my cat and my girlfriend.

“My classes are trauma informed + inclusive for everyone. I'll always hold the space for you when you need it, whether that's through movement or words.”

What do you love yoga?

I love yoga for too many reasons to list- but my main reason would be that throughout my life, yoga has been the most consistent thing I've always come back to. Both on and off the mat.

What challenges you in yoga?

Moving slow. I find that I don't often enough actually go to a slow paced class because I know it challenges not only my body but more-so my mind. My yoga journey is a constant practice of slowing down where I want to speed up.

What are the MOST important things you want your students to walk out of your class having experienced?

In my class, I want to drown out the outside world for everyone who walks in. Mindfulness, presence, and a healthy dose of feeling challenged.

What/who inspires you?

A big inspiration for me is Kayla Nielsen, a queer and very talented yoga teacher, who I've taken continuing education trainings from. I've learned a lot from Kayla in terms of asana, transition, and teaching style, but I've also learned the importance of authenticity, presence, and reverence for the practice of yoga.