What should students expect in your classes?

Expect a full spectrum practice where we will inevitably make some rituals, progress, mistakes, and space for reflection.

When you're not practicing yoga, what do you like to do?

Hang out with my daughter and read after she goes to bed!

β€œEvery path I have taken has led me here and I could not be more excited and honored to be your teacher.”

What do you love yoga?

I love yoga because committing and recommitting to the practice always leads me home.

What challenges you in yoga?

The most challenging part of yoga for me is liking chaturanga.

What are the MOST important things you want your students to walk out of your class having experienced?


What/who inspires you?

My teachers, their teachers, and all the teachers that came before them. Dr. Elissa Epel, Janet Stone, Harvey Deutch, and Jane Austin have the greatest influence on my education and career.