What should students expect in your classes?

I focus on slow movement as a way to “feel” the practice so that the student can learn about their bodies. I offer a variety of ways to make the practice accessible to ALL bodies.

When you're not practicing yoga, what do you like to do?

I enjoy reformer Pilates, walking, reading and cooking. I view these activities as a form of moving meditation. I find a true sense of pleasure and connection in each. This enables me to be focused and totally absorbed in the activity at hand.

“I focus on slow movement as a way to ‘feel’ the practice so that the student can learn about their bodies. I offer a variety of ways to make the practice accessible to ALL bodies.”

What do you love yoga?

Yoga builds a bond between mind and body. It enables me to stay present, focused and to be more peaceful in my daily life.

What challenges you in yoga?

I find meditation difficult. The traditional style doesn’t work for me so I have found other ways such as chanting or breath work that are more accessible. I still occasionally challenge myself to practice in stillness to see if perhaps there has been a shift.

What are the MOST important things you want your students to walk out of your class having experienced?

Connection, freedom, insight and peace. Connection to themselves and others, freedom to do and move in a way that feels right, insight into what truly matters to them, and peace to leave the practice with a light and loving heart.

What/who inspires you?

My dad. Sadly he is no longer with us but he had such an empathetic and kind personality. He would have given, “the shirt off his back” as the saying goes if it would have eased another’s suffering.